Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ok, the buttons on this I FORGET  exactly how to do my sections to rollover.
Someone post some clarity please.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Perfect Cookie

I want to illustrate in pop up scroll over art ingredients and how to mix proper for a perfect cookie.
Client would be on a baking site of some kind.


Illustrate the circles of hell in Dante's Inferno.  Either for video the game site or a book club site.

Guitar Tone Design

I want the different parts of a guitar like pick-ups and strings plus using pedals and speakers to change and make a unique sound of your own. Prospective client would be someone like Guitar Center.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

James Grover really does a fine job with great detail in simplicity.

This is extremely awesome!

I really like this one's work. It's simple and colorful. In design it's sometimes hard not to be over elaborate with detail. I think a graphic is more effective in relaying a message if you tone it down a bit.